What's new?

Dec. 10th, 1999
The Russian version of the Virtual Cell Tour is now functional! Thanks to Alexey Moskalev , Institute of Biology Russian Academy of Science.

Oct. 10th, 1999
The Virtual Cell has received the Busy Educators Award for Excellence http://www.glavac.com

Oct. 4th, 1999
Teachers take note, there is now a worksheet available for the Virtual Cell Tour.

Sept 28th, 1999
The beginnings of the organic chemistry section are online.

Sept 25th, 1999
We compare boat and chair configurations of glucose. This section is highly interactive and requires the Metastream

June 21th,1999
The there is a new section on organic chemistry in the index that discusses Chirality This section is highly interactive and requires the Metastream plugin.

June 17th, 1999
The French , Spanish , and Portuguese sections of the Virtual Cell are beginning to take form.

June 15th, 1999
We now have demonstration models of the right handed rule and electromagnetic waves in the physics section of the virtual cell.
May 13, 1999
The download section of the Virtual Cell is now fully functional. This should eliminate bandwith problems some of you may have been facing. For more information, click here.